The start of a journey
Glennie Community Kindergarten is filled with young children who are full of hope and imagination. They are optimistic, enthusiastic and ready to learn.
We believe in providing a fun-filled and supportive environment for girls and boys to learn through play and exploration.
Our Kindergarten and Pre-Prep programs are the start of an exciting and rewarding journey. Children are given new opportunities to explore, discover and grow together while developing their unique talents.
Glennie’s play-based curriculum is full of inspiring learning experiences that sustain each child’s engagement and develop their creativity, social skills, emotional wellbeing and higher-order thinking.
Literacy, numeracy and technology are integrated into the program to ensure your child is well-prepared for the transition to Prep.
“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein
Limited places remain for Kindergarten in 2025, applications open for 2026.
“Being a Glennie girl means upholding and perpetuating all of our school values: being kind to one another, being eager and willing to learn, having the courage to step out of your comfort zone.”
Providing an engaging environment
Located within the grounds of the Junior Years Campus, our Kindergarten provides spacious indoor and outdoor environments, with natural play areas inviting young learners to explore and discover as they build their curiosity, confidence and competence.
Children are encouraged in independent and collaborative play and our experienced educators use early childhood learning strategies to provide support and guidance.
Throughout the year, Glennie’s specialist Junior Years teachers introduce the Kindergarten children to dance, perceptual motor skills, religious education, music, art and the library.
The children delight in the variety these activities add to the Kindy program, ensuring that by the time our Kindergarten girls are ready to move into Prep, they are already familiar with the Glennie Junior Years campus and teachers.

Developing their creativity and curiosity
At the Glennie Community Kindergarten, your child will establish strong foundations to become a successful and a confident learner.
Open to both girls and boys, the Glennie Community Kindergarten provides engaging learning experiences that will inspire your child to explore and develop their creativity and curiosity. Our teachers support and extend the children’s learning by encouraging their skills in creative play, problem solving, literacy and numeracy, listening, motor development and socialisation.
Our dynamic program facilitates learning through a play based approach, fostering creativity and individuality to encourage active and informed young learners. To keep our program exciting and relevant, special guests and events are incorporated into the weekly program. Activities including Dance, Perceptual Motor Skills, Gymnastics, Music and Art are taught by Glennie Junior Years specialist staff. This provides additional extension and development of skills within specialised areas by qualified staff.
The Glennie Community Kindergarten is a Queensland Government Approved Kindergarten that follows the Early Years Framework (EYLF). The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) builds on this framework providing teachers with specific advice on delivering a quality program for children in the years to prep.The curriculum concentrates on the learning and development areas of identity, connectedness, wellbeing, active learning and communicating from the Kindergarten Guidelines and Belonging, Being and Becoming from EYLF
Facilities made for exploration and discovery
Fairy garden or construction zone. Scientist or adventurer. Whatever the play, our well resourced and beautifully maintainedKindergarten invites children to experiment and explore. With large indoor and outdoor classrooms, the children have ample opportunities to immerse themselves in a variety of worlds, both real and imaginary.
Our backyard play area is full of play-based learning equipment, including a playground, two large sandpits, a hidden tunnel with it’s own hill and our magical mulberry tree that provides different play spaces as the season changes. Shaded by sails, pergolas and mature trees, our play spaces create areas for kids to be active or enjoy some quiet time.
Our indoor spaces are made up of two classrooms that are interconnected and designed to incorporate a plethora of learning areas. These learning areas allow opportunities for children to choose resources to enhance their learning and enrich imaginative play. Both classrooms are equipped with a versatile range of furniture that includes tables, chairs and soft furnishings.