The Glennie School, Toowoomba

The Glennie Community

Glennie is more than a school, it is a community

Students, staff, parents, families, friends, Foundation members and Glennie Old Girls are all part of a caring, supportive and active community, helping Glennie girls thrive and achieve in a safe and nurturing environment.

An engaging academic program presented by dedicated and motivated teachers forms the building blocks of Glennie’s success, but it is the strong sense of community that sets Glennie apart from other schools.

Through opportunities to work together with girls of all ages and backgrounds, your daughter will expand her leadership and social skills and develop fundamental values such as compassion, respect, empathy and tolerance.

Glennie graduates leave the School with more than just a top-class education. Every girl is equipped with the foundations to achieve her personal best and the moral compass to be All She Can Be.

The Glennie School is well supported by a very active parent community that plays an important role in the development and improvement of the School.

Regular opportunities are afforded to parents to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement through involvement in parent representative groups, surveys, forums, seminars and information evenings.

Hear our stories

Glennie Parents

The Glennie School is well supported by a very active parent community that plays an important role in the development and improvement of the School.

There are regular opportunities for parents to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement through involvement in parent representative groups, surveys, forums, seminars and information evenings.

Parent Events

Parent information events are held throughout the year, ensuring Glennie parents are informed of important information regarding their daughters’ education. 

  • Junior Years Parent Information Events – A parent information evening is conducted at the start of the academic year with additional information events held for Prep and Kindergarten, along with other school events and activities during the year.
  • Year 7 Parent Information Events – Parents of Year 7 girls are invited to attend an information evening during Term 1. Additional information sessions are held throughout the year for particular activities and events such as the French Immersion Information Evening.
  • Senior Years Parent Information Events – Information evenings on subject choices and senior assessment processes are held for Senior Years girls and their parents. Other information events throughout the year include university and careers showcases.
  • Boarder Information Events – All girls entering boarding are invited to an information afternoon. The next day, Glennie hosts an introduction day for all girls in both day and boarding. Boarder parent forums are held throughout the year and provide an opportunity to connect with Glennie staff, talk openly and share feedback.
  • Open Days – throughout the year our Junior, Middle and Senior Years campuses open their doors to families considering a Glennie education for their daughter. Families are encouraged to book a personal tour at any time with one of our friendly staff to experience our vibrant and welcoming community first hand. We also provide regular opportunities for girls to spend a day at the school and experience what it is like to be a Glennie girl.
  • Social activities – Whether it the Welcome Soiree, Mothers and Fathers Day celebrations, our annual Mums Evening, or Dads Pizza night, there are a number of opportunities outside of the school, designed to bring our parents, and the community together.

Past Parents

As your daughter graduates and begins her ongoing journey with Glennie through the active GOGA network, we warmly invite Past Parents and Carers to maintain their relationship with the School. 

Past Parents are able to attend events throughout the calendar year, and have the opportunity to reconnect at specific Past Parent initiatives and events. 

To inform us of an upcoming Past Parent event or to work with us in establishing your graduating class meet-up, email us at

Parent Feedback

We are continually seeking ways to improve the Glennie experience. You don’t have to be a parent representative or on a committee to be heard. All parents are invited to become involved by completing surveys, attending parent/student/teacher interviews and contacting the School directly with any concerns or suggestions.

  • Parent Surveys – Parents are asked annually to complete a survey which provides a snapshot of how the School is meeting the needs and expectations of Glennie parents. These results are analysed and steps taken to improve the School’s performance where necessary. 
  • Boarder Parent Surveys – Parents of girls who are boarders are asked to complete a survey measuring their boarding experience. The results of this survey are used to monitor our efforts in providing a boarding experience that girls will enjoy and value being a part of. The survey provides feedback for boarding staff, allowing them to seek continuous improvement in their duty of care responsibilities while ensuring the girls in their care are making the most of the opportunities Glennie provides.
  • Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews – Parent/student/teacher interviews are held to coincide with the delivery of the girls’ school report at various times throughout the year. Parents make online bookings for an appointment to speak with teachers to discuss their daughter’s progress. Should you wish to discuss your daughter’s progress, simply email the teacher to make an appointment.
  • Contacting Staff – Parents are encouraged to contact the School if they have any questions or concerns. All teachers have a school email address for direct contact. Parents in Junior Years can contact their daughter’s class teacher or the Head of Junior Years. Parents of girls in Senior Years can contact their daughter’s teachers, Head of Year, Head of Department or the relevant member of the Senior Leadership team. Appointments can also be made to meet with the Principal if required.